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Our goal is to provide users with an easy to use site to help build and spread knowledge, bringing people together to not only share news of great local groups, websites and products, but share common thoughts, feelings and hopefully make progress overcoming disability.

We believe that passing on valuable insights and lessons learnt is one of the best ways for disabled people and carers to share practical useful knowledge. We would highly recommend attending any suitable local groups. We find that the best people who understand disabilities and the daily struggles entailed are those facing similar issues. We are proud to play a part in creating an arena for the people and communities that use our site.




List a local group, product or website for free. Be visible and searchable to millions of users.


Review and recommend.  Share your feelings, your experiences and spread helpful information.


Be a part of a growing community, helping others in similar situations.

Maecenas dignissim, lectus eget posuere vehicula, lacus dui vehicula tortor, id sagittis justo arcu eu lorem. Integer dapibus lobortis placerat. Vestibulum at lorem nibh.

Phil Brown
Marketing Manager - Zyxul Corp

Maecenas porttitor tempor enim, a imperdiet mi faucibus eu. Duis pretium eros velit, in bibendum elit sollicitudin eget. Nullam sodales metus vel est gravida iaculis. Suspendisse dapibus lacinia sapien ac gravida.

Marry Lindsay
CEO - Biston Consulting Group

Curabitur a orci in erat sollicitudin tempor eget quis dui. Morbi nibh diam, viverra quis varius at, luctus a mi. Etiam porta eros malesuada ultricies scelerisque. Nulla placerat malesuada suscipit.

Harry Blood
Vice President - L.E.N

Aenean tristique ultrices rhoncus. Pellentesque fringilla porttitor nibh ut venenatis. Aliquam enim felis, gravida eu nulla at, scelerisque adipiscing felis. Nulla convallis turpis odio, sit amet hendrerit urna fermentum vel.

David Stewart
Founder - EIS Games

Sed interdum nulla eu velit ullamcorper tincidunt. Cras consequat risus id risus mattis volutpat. Nulla porttitor congue odio, vitae adipiscing nibh tincidunt vel. Praesent mi mauris, interdum vitae erat et, facilisis tempor quam.

Sophie Beneteau
Managing Director - Amis Tech

Some interesting facts about us

So you may know what we can bring you


We based on 4 different countries, with headquater at New York.


We have 50+ staffs and keep on growing.


Our staffs have traveled 10 miles each year on average



There are 300 testimonials each month for our services.


Our revenue has been increased 30% last year.


Listings on our website have been retweeted 10K+ last month.


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